The Community

Everyone has a dark side, choose your poison wisely

Hate Heart Nation X

At Hate Heart™, we want you to bring your full self to work whether you are a client or an employee. We want you to be excited to work on your craft everyday, in whatever discipline that you're honing.

Hate Heart is more than a brand. We are a dedicated family of friends working hard together and making the world a better place for all. As a Hate Heart, you will be a world class member of Hate Heart Nation X and you will be representing a legacy of prestige built on honor and integrity. This is why we have strict requirements for membership.

The X, donned on whichever hand you prefer, shall be a symbol of your commitment to excellence, a philosophy referred to as Partial Edge. We can make exceptions for qualified individuals to still be part of Hate Heart Nation X if this marking does not suit you and your circumstances.

The ultimate goal of Hate Heart Nation X is for all Hate Hearts to achieve their dreams unscathed for a lifetime and everlasting through generations and beyond.

"Embody the change you want to see in the world."


Dress Code: Coming Soon


Employee Benefits: Coming Soon


Ethics & Compliance: Coming Soon

Let's Learn Together!

#agile #gemba #kaizen #kintsugi #lean #scrum

Are you ready?

Become a Hate Heart Ambassador X