Future Planned Podcast Topics

Discussions will be saved on our YouTube Channel after the podcast air date and initial blog release. Conversations will also be available in written form in our virtual magazine.

Why trust Hate Heart?

Why Corn is not necessarily a bad thing and the adult entertainment industry?

The future of art and currency: NFTs and Cryptocurrency.

Blockchain Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and emerging tech

New Nuclear Renaissance

Why it's time for the United States of America to vote Libertarian during these modern times

What is happening in Hollywood? The arts, entertainment, fashion, and music industries...

The Mental Health Crisis

Digitization of society: the age of social media, virtual reality, and the internet

Pros and cons

Conversations about identity, pronouns, and lgbtqia+

The Art of Modern Warfare

Modern dating and experimenting

Tattoos in the workplace

General discussion about "the scene" today and dance/mosh pit etiquette

Discussion about mind altering substances and illegal drugs

Let's talk about Christianity, BDSM, and Kink Lifestyle

Let's talk about professional sports, transgender athletes, and PED use

Conversations about gender roles, archetypes, and family structures

"Let's just Google it" vs. asking the experts

Let's talk about the #gym aka Mr. Jim - the civilized "man's" animal kingdom

Let's talk about combat sports vs. martial arts

Let's talk about the hardest job in the world: parenting

Let's talk about the concept of "beauty" and the fashion industry and trends

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